The Swedish Covered Bond Corporation (“SCBC”) (in Swedish: AB Sveriges Säkerställda Obligationer (publ)) Year-end Report 2020 has been published on
January–December 2020 (January–December 2019)
• Operating profit amounted to SEK 1,797 million (1,713)
• Net interest income totalled SEK 3,154 million (2,835)
• Expenses amounted to SEK 1,190 million (1,055)
• Net credit losses totalled SEK 21 million (12).
• The Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio amounted to 16.3% (17.0)
• All funding programmes continue to have the highest credit ratings from Moody’s
• Considerable market turbulence and increased uncertainty regarding socio-economic development as a result of the coronavirus (Covid-19)
For further information, please contact:
Mikael Inglander, CEO SCBC
+468-614 43 28