At the annual general meeting for the Swedish Covered Bond Corporation (SCBC) on April 28th, 2021 Jan Sinclair, Jane Lundgren Ericsson and Klas Danielsson were reelected as members of the board. Synnöve Trygg was elected as a new member of the board. Jan Sinclair was reelected as chairman of the board.
The annual general meeting confirmed the boards’ proposal of a result disposition implying that SEK 19 192 849 337 will be transferred to this year’s account.
The annual general meeting decided on the following remunerations:
• The chairman of the board: SEK 180 000
• Other members of the board elected by the annual general meeting: SEK 130 000
Remuneration is not paid to members of the board who are employed by SBAB Bank AB (publ).
Other decisions
The annual general meeting voted to confirm the board’s proposal on changed guidelines concerning remunerations for executives. The board’s proposal on guidelines concerning remunerations for executives follows the Government’s principles on remuneration and other terms of employment for executives in state-owned companies, which were decided by the Government on February 27th, 2020.
The minutes from the annual general meeting, which contains all the resolutions by the annual general meeting, can be found here (in Swedish)
For further information, please contact:
Erik Bukowski, Head of Press, SBAB
Phone: +46724 51 79 37