At the annual general meeting for SBAB Bank AB (publ) (SBAB) on April 28th 2021 Jan Sinclair, Jane Lundgren Ericsson, Lars Börjesson, Daniel Kristiansson, Inga-Lill Carlberg, Synnöve Trygg, Leif Pagrotsky and Johan Prom were reelected as members of the board. Jan Sinclair was reelected as chairman of the board.
The annual general meeting voted to confirm the balance sheet, income statement, group result and group balance sheet established in SBAB:s annual report 2020. Further, the annual general meeting confirmed the boards’ proposal of a result disposition implying that SEK 12 305 018 150 will be transferred to this year’s account.
The annual general meeting decided on the following remunerations:
• The chairman of the board: SEK 505 000
• Other members of the board elected by the annual general meeting: SEK 244 000
• Chairman of the Audit and compliance committee: SEK 60 000
• Member of the Audit and compliance committee: SEK 48 000
• Chairman of the Credit committee: SEK 54 500
• Member of the Credit committee: SEK 38 700
• Chairman of the Risk and capital committee: SEK 43 500
• Member of the Risk and capital committee: SEK 38 500
• Chairman of the Remuneration committee: SEK 30 000
• Member of the Remuneration committee: SEK 25 000
Remuneration is not paid to employee representatives and employees within government offices.
Other decisions
The annual general meeting decided that the Government’s principles for corporate governance in state-owned companies, the Government’s principles for external reporting for state-owned companies as well as the Government’s principles on remuneration and other terms of employment for executives in state-owned companies, which where decided on by the Government on February 27th 2020, shall be applicable for SBAB.
The annual general meeting voted to grant discharge from liability for the board and the CEO for 2020.
The annual general meeting voted to reelect Deloitte AB as accountant up until the end of the annual general meeting in 2022.
The minutes from the annual general meeting, which contains all the resolutions by the annual general meeting, can be found here (in Swedish)
For more information, please contact;
Erik Bukowski, Head of Press: +46724- 51 79 37,