The Swedish Covered Bond Corporation (SCBC) Interim Report January–June 2023
The Swedish Covered Bond Corporation (“SCBC”) (in Swedish: AB Sveriges Säkerställda Obligationer (publ)) Interim Report January–June 2023 is now available for download on
January–June 2023 (January–June 2022)
- Operating profit amounted to SEK 1,049 million (1,037)
- Net interest income totalled SEK 2,007 million (1,878)
- Expenses amounted to SEK 711 million (641)
- Net credit losses totalled SEK 35 million (9).
- The Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio amounted to 16.9% (15.9)
- All funding programmes continue to have the highest credit ratings from Moody’s